
A Beginner’s Guide to Permanent Cure For Mouth Ulcer

Say goodbye to Mouth Ulcers

The problem of inner mouth ulcers is very common and caused by different reasons. Mouth ulcers are in the nature of painful sores that appear inside the mouth. They are basically red or white in color. In most cases, mouth ulcers are not contagious and cured within a week without medicine. However, if you are facing a canker sore, that is large and extremely painful and it may cause mouth infection if it lasts for a couple of weeks without healing. For different kinds of mouth ulcer treatment, Kamol India developed medicine for permanent cure for mouth ulcer.


medicine for mouth ulcer


It is helpful to heal mouth ulcers even faster, kills pro-infection bacteria inside the wound, and prevents the injury expansion inside the mouth. It is better to get medical treatment before the injury becomes Incurable. In some cases, untreated mouth ulcers may also lead to mouth surgery.


Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers


The symptoms of mouth ulcers may vary from case to case, but some common indications include:


  • fall of appetite
  • Swollen skin around sores affected area
  • Chewing, brushing, flossing, and drinking problems
  • Sores irritation by eating spicy, salty, and sour foods
  • Severe canker sores result in high fever and Diarrhea
  • Most canker sores are white or yellow with a red border


Mouth ulcers are generally emerging on the softer layers of the mouth such as the lips, cheeks, sides of the tongue, upper & lower mouth, and around the tonsil area. Mouth ulcers with a size of 5MM denote normal sores.


Causes of Mouth Ulcers


A number of causes are responsible for mouth ulcers, I have outlined some of them below.


  • Eating gutka, tobacco, and pan masala.
  • Liqueur or restricted drug consumption. 
  • Eating extra hot & spicy food.
  • Unintentional cut inside the cheek.
  • Usage of sodium lauryl sulfate mixed toothpaste.
  • Lack of essential vitamins such as B-12, zinc, folate, and iron
  • Bacteria, virus, or fungal infections.
  • Medical conditions like reactions to certain medications.
  • Unhygienic or unhealthy food.
  • Carelessness to initial mouth ulcer symptoms


Kinds of Mouth Ulcers


Herpetiform: Herpetiform mouth ulcers are definite sizes, occur in clusters of 10 to 100, and often affect the age group between 20 to 35. It has irregular edges and heals without scarring within a week.  


Minor: Minor mouth ulcers are small or round in size, it takes one or two weeks of healing without scarring.


Major: Major mouth ulcers are comparatively bigger & extremely painful. This kind of wound has irregular edges and takes up to 5 weeks of healing. Major mouth ulcers are known for long term scarring inside the mouth.


Prevention of Mouth Ulcers


As we know prevention is always better than cure. Identify the possible reasons behind mouth ulcers and take precautionary steps to prevent them. The appearance of mouth sores is inevitable and kamol Oral Rinse Medicine For Mouth Ulcers reduces the severity that may turn into an outbreak.


Some prevention precautions include:


  • Consultation with your physician for changing of medicine causing mouth ulcers.
  • Avoid food habits responsible for ulcers or worsen existing symptoms.
  • Keep your mouth clean with daily brushing and flossing.
  • Avoid triggers responsible for the disease in the past.


Note: Go to the website product order page and check the Oral rinse medicine liquid price. Book your order today for a complete oral issues diagnosis.


Conclusion: At last I would like to suggest to take proper precautionary measures to avoid mouth ulcers from further spread. It is advised to take prescribed medicine for mouth ulcers as directed by the physician. Avoid unhygienic food habits triggering mouth ulcers. 

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